GitHub: Tools to use Git
Hi everyone,
Using Git for projects is like essential thing. When you working on a project and working on it day after day, making changes adding features, etc. one day due to some silly mistake all your hard work get ruined. Imagine how you feel when that happens(happed with me :)).
To avoid that, we use Git to store our hard work. Git allows us to store progress, you can also go back to the work you store before few days, or if anything bad happens after adding something. Git is a life savior to programmers working on small as well as big projects.
So, many of us know the importance of using Git. Before you want to use Git you have to create an account on GitHub or GitLab there are others also but these two I familiar with. There are many ways to use Git. you can use GitHub Desktop which is a PC application to use Git. easy to use for those who unfamiliar as well as familiar with git commands.
The second is, with editors.VS(Visual studio), VS-code(Visual Studio code, editor). you can use git commands in the VS-code terminal and in VS-2019/2020 there is a separate tab for git. for more information follow the link below,
There is another option/tool to use git and that is GitBash (command-line tool) here you can use git commands to use git.
if we want to download a project from Git, all we need to do is click on the green button (clone or download), copy the URL in the box, and paste it after the git clone command.
- git clone ‘link of repository’ (without those single quote)
In the next article, we will see important git commands and how to use them.